

Whether you’re a veteran addiction professional who just wants to maintain slow, but solid growth in your practice, or an addiction professional who needs as many new patients as possible, you’ve found what many consider to be the leading front step to a measured, and accountable addiction marketing system in the marketplace.

If you search the internet, as I’m sure you have, you’ll find that there are very few resources available to the addiction professional regarding tangible action steps you can take to improve your business. With over ten years and millions of dollars invested in treatment marketing under our belts, we understand what you may be missing in keeping your beds full every month- and how much it costs to do it consistently.

This web resource is adapting to demand much like treatment, leave a comment on what type of content you’d like so we can better serve the addiction treatment professional community.

And, you can call us directly to contribute or get some marketing advice at 424-653-6073.

Welcome to – the online home for Addiction Marketing Strategies 2012 2012

We’ve created turn-key addiction marketing programs for addiction professionals that requires hardly any time on the addiction professional’s or their staff’s part to run. The main effort is to answer the calls from interested prospects, qualify them properly and convert them into a new patient. We filter them through your business funnel, follow up with them diligently to keep them in your process instead of theirs. We are top of mind creating specialists that generate lifetime referrals.

The best part about our program is that it’s transparent. We’re so confident that our program will benefit your treatment facility, that we don’t have long term contracts like many of the ‘pie in the sky’ claiming companies.

You choose a budget that makes sense for your center, and we’ll deliver qualified new heads to fill your beds based on your occupancy needs.

On this website you’ll find information about us, our value added offerings to the addiction treatment marketplace, Free access to our popular drug rehab growth e-newsletter, actionable articles to use today and our addiction pro marketing plan that explains our programs in detail.

If you would like to talk to us or schedule a Free 60 minute treatment center growth strategy session, call us Today at 424-653-6073 or leave your contact info with your questions. (we respect your privacy, and won’t share your information.)

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