4 Methods for Building a Successful Ecommerce Brand

Thanks to the Internet, entrepreneurs can now do more than ever before. Yes, brick and mortar businesses still have their place in the world of entrepreneurship, but many people are now building incredibly successful e-commerce brands from the comfort of their own homes.

Whether it be through a personal website, eBay account, or Etsy profile, there’s a reason e-retail spending is pegged to increase by upwards of 62 percent in 2016 — the digital marketplace is an active marketplace. Even better, there’s plenty of room for you and your groundbreaking idea.

So, if you’ve flirted with the thought of ditching the nine-to-five lifestyle for one filled with passion, freedom, and excitement out on the Web, now is the time to take action. Still nervous? No need — the digital realm has provided you with plenty of tools to help launch a successful ecommerce brand.

Run Facebook ads.

There are just over one billion people signing into Facebook each and every day. No matter your brand’s specific niche, odds are high that the body of buyers you’re looking for aren’t only taking to Facebook, but they’re doing it with plenty of predictable regularity.

Related: 3 Types of Ecommerce Business Models

When designed the right way, Facebook ads are visual, relevant, provide value, and include an  enticing call-to-action (CTA). But here’s the best part — not only are Facebook ads affordable, they’re highly targeted. For just a few bucks, thousands of your ideal buyers will see your ad in their feeds.

Take to influencer marketing.

There’s no denying the fact that social media has people more connected than ever before. Because of this, potential consumers no longer need to first look to businesses for buying advice. Instead, they do something much more enjoyable — communicate with fellow consumers.

That’s not all they’re doing, though. It’s one thing to speak with family members and friends, it’s another to look to an industry authority for help. Regardless of outlet, when your products and services are mentioned or endorsed by an influencer, expect serious traffic to be sent your way. This is a competitive marketing strategy, but it’s well worth your time and effort.

Experiment with Snapchat.

Snapchat isn’t for all ecommerce companies, but if your target audience falls between the ages of 18 and 34, you should give the platform strong consideration. With over 100 million daily active users responsible for nearly 400 million snaps per day, the user base is active and engaged.

Use Snapchat to give brand fans an inside look into how business is conducted, further solidifying their emotional connection. Or, get creative with the channel and run a few contests or promotions. And no — you don’t need to be a celebrity or household brand for this to work.

Related: What’s Next for Ecommerce in 2016?

Make Instagram a real focus.

While Facebook and Twitter might still be seen as leaders of the social realm, Instagram is in hot pursuit of inclusion. In the spring of 2014, Forrester conducted a study in which it found that brand posts received an average engagement rate of slightly over 0.1 percent.

On the other hand, that same study discovered that Instagram for business accounts generated a per-follower engagement rate of 4.21 percent. If math isn’t your strong suit, that result is 58 times more effective than those of Facebook and Twitter.

No wonder the Instagram authorities at Kickstagram recently claimed that Facebook is quickly losing ground to Instagram as an ideal marketing network. So, whatever your social strategy may be, make certain that Instagram is given the attention it deserves.

Related: The Top 5 Reasons You Should Start an Ecommerce Business

Regardless of the tools you use to ensure your latest entrepreneurial endeavor is a complete success, starting and growing your own ecommerce business is a worthwhile experience. Enjoy the process and take pride in your work. In the end, you’ll be happy with what you’ve accomplished.

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