
Addiction Treatment Reputation Management

Addiction Treatment Reputation Management

Addiction Search Marketing in 2014.

Addiction Search Marketing in 2014.

Marketing drug treatment programs has changed drastically in recent years. Recovery businesses are able to communicate directly with their prospective residents through the internet and they are able to review their options before choosing the best addiction treatment center for them or a loved one.

When crafting your treatment center lead generation campaigns, it’s crucial to pay attention to your brands’ influence online to make sure the sentiment is positive. The more positive the sentiment, the more effective your addiction treatment lead generation plan will be.

Your business depends on positive reviews, positive social proof from all over the web. Google Plus Local has become an important place for reviewing drug rehabs, and review sites such as Insider Pages and Yelp have become a commonplace practice for the public to express their sentiment about recovery programs.

If you haven’t considered monitoring, managing and repairing your addiction reputation, (if need be..) now is the time!

As one of few companies with almost a decade of recovery specific experience, we are positioned as the results driven addiction marketing and lead generation agency. We understand online marketing for your addiction recovery center and can likely help you. If not, we’ll point you in the direction of someone who can.

As Ben Franklin quoted; “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.”

Schedule your no-obligation consultation and web presence audit. Addiction Treatment Reputation Management and marketing can be affordable and productive regardless of your previous experiences. Like yourself, we’ve heard almost all of it, and can clearly show you how to keep your beds full each month. Make this your last call… @