Addiction Treatment Marketing Calls To Action

Mobile Marketing Tips For Addiction Treatment Centers

Five Smartphone Marketing Tips For Addiction Treatment Centers

Are you looking into mobile marketing to promote your addiction recovery services? Do you think mobile marketing can be effective in the recovery space, similar to social media? You better believe it! Look at these facts:

**53% of American consumers use their smartphones to access search engines at least once a day (Source: Google and Mobile Marketing Association Survey)

*By the end of 2013, 54 percent of all phones globally will be smartphones (Gigaom Study).

*By 2015, more U.S. Internet users will access the Internet through mobile devices than through PCs or other online devices. (IDC Study).


It can be tremendously valuable if you provide your audience the experience they are looking for. This article is a good primer to understand the basics of smartphone lead generation, and hopefully provide an idea or two you can take action on today.

There are different ways to promote addiction services via mobile marketing.

1) Recovery Text Alerts:

Text alerts are very popular for local deals and specials, though a bit different for those in recovery. A person seeking a private consultation, or daily motivational quotes may find value in a text series related to their needs, but they’re unlikely to be vocal advocates due to the sensitivity of addiction or disorder recovery. Your audience here needs messaging that is timely, personal, easily digestible and reminds them that additional help FROM YOU is only a call away. Be sure the intended recipients agree to receive your personal messages, and understand your goals and frequency.

2) Addiction Treatment Mobile Websites:

If you haven’t already, consider creating a mobile website. Your audience is on their iPhone, Android or Blackberry- they need to be able to connect with you.

Since your clients own smartphones and other recent devices like iPads and other tablets, consider making sure your mobile site is ‘responsive‘ (able to be fully viewed and experienced regardless of device) and look into advertising your mobile site on relevant applications (apps) that draw in targeted people looking for drug rehab placement services.

Here’s a few in use featured on (Sober House Delray). Heck, build your own app! They aren’t as expensive or technical as you may think; check out this company making it easier: Bizness Apps and a cool video that explains how:

Bizness Apps How It Works! from Bizness Apps on Vimeo.

Also, you will find that many people use their mobile phone to visit social networks. This could be a great opportunity for you to reach out to customers via both mobile marketing and social media marketing while their eyeballs are glued to your message.

3) Deliver Digestible Content:

Adapt your content to your format. Keep in mind that mobile phones have a small screen and usually take longer than a regular computer to download content or display images. It is best to keep your messages short, avoid using pictures or complex designs and always test your content before it goes public.

Addiction Marketing Mobile Landing Pages

Addiction Marketing Mobile Landing Pages

Addiction Marketing Mobile Landing Pages

If you share content that is not easy to load with a mobile phone, or if your messages are too long and do not contain anything valuable, people will quickly lose interest in your campaign.

The goal of your mobile marketing efforts is to promote and build long term awareness for your services in a way that attracts likely targets to your process instead of the other options. In the end, the number of consumers who visit your mobile website or subscribe to your text alerts does not matter. What really matters is how many admissions you convert via your mobile marketing campaign.

You can boost conversions by remaining focused not only on your unique services, but also how someone in this place of need will respond to your messaging. Bottom line, if they have difficulty reading or navigating your mobile website, chances are they’re gone.

4) Cater To Your Core Demographic:

Do not make any of your prospective guests feel excluded from your mobile marketing campaign. Allow parents and those needing help for themselves to answer surveys about how they like to consume their content, where and at what times. You can avoid excluding anyone from your campaign by making your content available in different formats, SMS text campaigns may require a smartphone to have different data plans.

Stay up to date with addiction recovery innovations and always look for new ways to promote your services without intruding. Being the first one to use a new tool or device to promote your business will definitely give you an advantage over your competitors, though it needs to be appropriate. We are very excited to see how the hybrid group buy/daily deal style of addiction treatment placement will work out from Recovery Brands.

Those needing high-end, affordable treatment may benefit here. This is the type of innovation to consider in our crowded recovery marketplace. Your audience is already programmed to be influenced by ideas like this, if they are designed to strike the right balance of providing value without overload.

5) Addiction Recovery Calls To Action:

As a regular reader here, you are probably aware we don’t understate the importance of strong calls to action in all marketing efforts. Your mobile addiction treatment marketing campaign should help you stay in touch with your audience, and make it easier for them to Click-To-Call you (or pick up the phone and call you)- and collect personal information to get them into your (e)mailing database.

It may seem simple, but the fundamentals are easily overlooked with so many moving parts. Make sure there’s no barrier to prevent Every visitor from being able to contact you within one or two actions on your site.

Addiction Treatment Marketing Calls To Action

Addiction Treatment Marketing Calls To Action

Addiction Treatment Marketing Calls To Action

These basic tips should help get you started leveraging strategies that actually work in the world of addiction professionals on the smartphones and other devices your audience is using to find you- or another recovery program. Make sure they are in your process by taking care of them every step of the way.

Leave a comment below if you have experienced any mobile generated patients, the most innovative idea will receive a one minute, custom video for your recovery service. Previous winners can apply here.

Email me here with any questions :

+Addiction Marketing

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