12 Steps of Color in Marketing

Addiction Treatment Lead Conversions Using Colors in Recovery Marketing

Addiction Treatment Lead Conversions Using Colors in Recovery Marketing

12 Steps of Color in Marketing

12 Steps of Color in Marketing

With a strong addiction treatment marketing plan in place, you can break through the crowded market that is over-saturated with promotions for every treatment and cure imaginable. How does a trusted addiction professional market through all this clutter?

As humans, (most of us anyhow) our brains receive advertising signals faster through our eyes rather than all other senses. In marketing and advertising, visual appearance is considered the strongest first impression one gets when processing a message. Aside from the triggering sense of smell in recovery- think coffee, French fries or Krispy Kreme donuts here, our visual processor delivers the information we need to decide to dig in to a marketing message, or look elsewhere almost instantly.

This powerful first impression can become a lasting one if you use colors wisely to position your message. With literally thousands of advertisements bombarding us every day, a split second will make or break the viewers’ decision to stick around or wander off. So, when choosing colors for your business, you need to get your colors right. The right color choices on your website, brochures and videos (to name a few) can encourage phone calls, calm an erratic addict, and build a positive perception about your drug rehab brand.

This positivity can dramatically speed up the time it takes for them to contact you. Converting passive researches into action taking prospects is the golden goose. As you well know, reinforcing the positive and negative provide that influence without needing conscious thought. The longer they are positively stimulated, the more likely they will engage your center and pick up the phone and call. And the goal is to get them to know, like and trust us, right?

Understanding the basics of the psychology of colors in marketing your addiction treatment center can put you way ahead of your competitors. If the goal is to be considered the leading authority on your treatment niche in the markets you serve, leverage colors to give people what they want.

Important: what They want is not the same thing as what you Think they want.

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, adhere to the proven data others have collected before you when considering color schemes. For now, let’s take a look see at the affects colors have on rehab marketing influence, and how you can leverage them to serve up the images that keep eyeballs glued to your rehab’s marketing messages.

So, what colors are most influential when targeting new admissions? Since they are clicking all over the first page of Google to find treatment options, picking random numbers and calling, do you think your current color choices are working for you and your rehab marketing system?

When you print post cards, would yellow images or background be appropriate to your client base? Would darker shades or pastels be proper for your brochures? Some companies spend millions on deciding what colors are affective for their marketing materials.

They know that colors have a huge impact on their customers, and are willing to spend any amount just to get them right. Fortunately for addiction treatment professionals, they have also written the blueprint you can copy to leverage for marketing your addiction treatment.

The following are some common psychological effects of colors in the Western Hemisphere. You can also review the following pages for a more comprehensive list of color meanings and symbolism, including some charts created that you can download.

Blue: Cool blue is perceived as trustworthy, dependable, fiscally responsible and secure. Strongly associated with the sky and sea, blue is serene and universally well-liked. Blue is an especially popular color with financial institutions, as its message of stability inspires trust.

Red: Red activates your pituitary gland, increasing your heart rate and causing you to breathe more rapidly. This visceral response makes red aggressive, energetic, provocative and attention-grabbing. Count on red to evoke a passionate response, albeit not always a favorable one. For example, red can represent danger or indebtedness.

Green: In general, green connotes health, freshness and serenity. However, green’s meaning varies with its many shades. Deeper greens are associated with wealth or prestige, while light greens are calming.

Yellow: In every society, yellow is associated with the sun. Thus, it communicates optimism, positivism, light and warmth. Certain shades seem to motivate and stimulate creative thought and energy. The eye sees bright yellows before any other color, making them great for point-of-purchase displays.

Purple: Purple is a color favored by creative types. With its blend of passionate red and tranquil blue, it evokes mystery, sophistication, spirituality and royalty. Lavender evokes nostalgia and sentimentality.

Pink: Pink’s message varies by intensity. Hot pinks convey energy, youthfulness, fun and excitement and are recommended for less expensive or trendy products for women or girls. Dusty pinks appear sentimental. Lighter pinks are more romantic.

Orange: Cheerful orange evokes exuberance, fun and vitality. With the drama of red plus the cheer of yellow, orange is viewed as gregarious and often childlike. Research indicates its lighter shades appeal to an upscale market. Peach tones work well with health care, restaurants and beauty salons.

Brown: This earthy color conveys simplicity, durability and stability. It can also elicit a negative response from consumers who relate to it as dirty. Certain shades of brown, like terracotta, can convey an upscale look. From a functional perspective, brown tends to hide dirt, making it a logical choice for some trucking and industrial companies.

Black: Black is serious, bold, powerful and classic. It creates drama and connotes sophistication. Black works well for expensive products, but can also make a product look heavy.

White: White connotes simplicity, cleanliness and purity. The human eye views white as a brilliant color, so it immediately catches the eye in signage. White is often used with infant and health-related products.
All the colors above can be categorized into two basic categories: warm and cold. In general, warm colors, like red and yellow, send an outgoing, energetic message, while cool colors, like blue, are calmer and more reserved. However, brightening a cool color increases its vibrancy and reduces its reserve.

Keep in mind that certain shades or tones may result in very different meanings. Also, the context around the color, and even surrounding colors, can have an effect. Think of this as more of a beginning guide to color psychology. We’re not suggesting you overhaul your addiction treatment marketing plan or style, and testing different combinations on marketing pieces can reveal what works for your treatment center and what doesn’t.

Ask your clients what they think, how the colors make them feel. You’d be surprised how much intelligence you can gather from short interviews or surveys. And, it costs next to nothing! Anything that can reduce costs and increase conversions is a worthy time investment.

What color strategies from your own addiction treatment marketing efforts have worked? Have you chosen your web design with thoughtful consideration of colors? Do you even think it matters for people seeking addiction treatment? Let us know what you think below.

Addiction Marketing Video 2012.

Marketing Your Addiction Treatment Center in 2012

Marketing Your Addiction Treatment Center in 2012

Addiction Marketing Video 2012.

Addiction Marketing Video 2012.

When marketing your addiction treatment center, drug rehab or addiction treatment web site- strategy must be built on a foundation of internet optimization. Treatment center lead generation can be challenging, and if you have a rehab marketing specialist to assist you, it can be very profitable.

By combining tracking rehab admissions with local targeting, you can funnel prospective admissions away from your competition and have them call your treatment center first. Addiction Treatment call tracking allows you to understand what works and what doesn’t quickly.

We have ten years experience managing marketing plans for addiction treatment centers, and will help you convert more admissions every month. Call today to get your Free Heads on Beds Marketing Consultation Now. If you need a few beds filled or half the house, we may be able to help. If we can’t, we have an extensive network for you to leverage for most any addiction treatment professional need. Your resource for exclusive admissions every month. Call Now: 424-653-6073 http://AddictionMarketing.org

Find out how to leverage Video Marketing for Your Addiction Treatment Center in 2012

Addiction Search Marketing in 2015.

Drug Rehab Marketing 2012

An effective alcohol and drug addiction rehab marketing strategy and campaign is crucial whether a rehab program is just starting up or it’s been in existence forever.

Probably the only thing more important to a rehab center than a good marketing plan is the quality of care their clients receive, but without an effective addiction rehab marketing campaign in action clients can sometimes be few and far between.

With too much information available, it’s easy for cognitive overload to set in. We establish you as the trusted addiction recovery solution to save their lives.

When families have done their research, called around and are at their point of decision, you must have your treatment center in front of them.

Strategic addiction marketing online delivers qualified, track able leads to your centers instead of your competitors via inbound phone calls, email, support form or even sms text messages. These new bookings are on a performance basis with no long term commitment. This is how we keep your beds full every month.

The point of this resource is for addiction marketing professionals who prefer a directly measurable return on their investment for their online marketing efforts. Why should you lose sleep worrying about keeping the house full when you have a team of addiction marketing specialists working as sales reps for your centers on the internet?

You’ve got enough on your plate as it is. Schedule your free addiction marketing online consultation today. We are here to help to make your business and life easier.

Read more at AddictionMarketing.org